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    2025 Directors Election & Special Resolution Votes

    Your vote helps shape the path for Kootenay Savings’ future. Between Monday, April 7 and Friday, April 11, vote in our Directors Election and for our Special Resolution. Starting Monday, April 7, you’ll find an active link to the secure voting site on this page.*


    your credit union. your choice. 

    This year, there are six candidates standing for election for four Director At-Large positions. By voting for the candidates that best align with your values and address your needs as a KSCU member, you’re helping ensure we’re a relevant, resilient, and sustainable credit union for years to come. Please take the time to get to know the six skilled candidates who want to serve you and learn more about the voting process by reading our 2025 Directors Election package.


    Special Resolution to Update KSCU Rules

    Every credit union operates under a Constitution and Rules approved by its membership, which define how the organization operates. These governing documents not only ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements but also contribute to the credit union’s overall efficiency and effectiveness.
    Following the 2024 Directors Election, Kootenay Savings Directors carefully considered member feedback regarding the ballot process—particularly the requirement to vote for all open positions. Under the Credit Union Act, we can amend our Rules to give members the option to vote for fewer than the total number of directors without invalidating their ballots.

    While this change won’t be in place for the 2025 Election, we are proposing a Special Resolution during the 2025 Election to implement this adjustment for future elections. This change is designed to provide greater flexibility for members while maintaining the integrity of our voting process.

    The Board of Directors wholeheartedly supports the proposed new rule 15.7 and strongly recommends members vote in favour of the Special Resolution.

    For a detailed overview of the amendments and a comprehensive understanding of the proposed changes, please click the links below:


    How to Vote

    From 8:00am PT on April 7 until 4:30pm PT on April 11, members can vote online or at any KSCU branch. You’ll need your member number and date of birth to access the secure voting site. 

    All co-operatives, incorporated companies, limited liability partnerships, and registered societies must designate an Authorized Voter to vote on their behalf. The authorization form can be downloaded here and returned to by noon PT on Monday, March 3.




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    * The election process will be administered and overseen by CUES, an independent third-party vendor. CUES has access only to information required to administer the election. Following the close of voting, CUES will tabulate the results of all electronic and mail ballots. All voting data will be digitally transmitted in an encrypted format that cannot be viewed during transmission. All personal information will remain secure.